Hi, my name is
I am a Software Engineer who graduated from the University of Karachi. I have over 3 years of experience working as a Full Stack Engineer in the industry, specializing in both Microservice and Monolithic architectures, and using the latest industry-leading technologies and working on high scale applications.
I specialize in building efficient and scalable server-side systems for web applications. My focus is on writing clean and maintainable code to ensure seamless functionality and optimal performance.
Javascript, Typescript, NodeJS, Java, Kotlin
Fastify ExpressJS NestJS Spring MySQL PostgresSQL Elasticsearch Redis RabbitMQ Kafka Jest Mockito Docker Kubernetes
I like to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that bring design concepts to life. My focus is on crafting efficient and engaging web pages that delight users.
HTML, CSS, ReactJS, NextJS
ThreeJS MatterJS SolidJS MaterialUI AntDesign Tailwind CSS SpringJS
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